
Trademark Universal, Inc, a Delaware corporation, will be changing its corporate identity to Tom Mathew & Son, Incorporated in 2030 reflecting our transformation into a multi-domestic publishing company specializing in children's books and college advisory services. 

Tom Mathew Mentoring Advisory and Preparatory Services reflects the rebranding of our image.  We are also migrating to a free model for all college advisory and test preparatory.

The author Tom Mathew will no longer be tutoring college bound students.  His focus will primarily focus on graduate and post graduate students. 

The Boolean Grid

The Boolean Grid was invented by Tom Mathew in 1998.  We have encouraged firms all over the planet to copy our methodology to help poor, incarcerated, dyslexic, handicapped and mentally disabled students. 

The Boolean Grid works on any English multiple choice exam.  Its methodology has to be modified to be used on the LSAT, MCAT, GRE and GMAT. 

The Boolean Grid, along with the writing techniques enables students to improve their reading comprehension skills. Mathematically inclined students are surprised that their math skills improve due to improved comprehension of the English language.  Aptitude rises in children as they are able to incorporate their dominant hand into the comprehension of language. 

Thank U India

In the history of the United States no Corporation has ever achieved even 1% of what Trademark has accomplished. The corporation is blamed for everything from moldy bread to Satan himself. All of which is false.  However, we wanted to single handedly reach out and thank India. This civilization’s people and their view that every Christian is an untouchable was the greatest thing that ever happened to Trademark. Individuals, their names would not even fit in the old Manhattan yellow pages, stole our intellectual capital and then came to the USA not only to distribute but also to copyright it.   Indian churches, including the Syrian Orthodox Church got involved in criminal acts that resulted in the humiliation of the Republic of Syria. Others re-engineered our methods. Too good to be true.  Prior to that they laid waste to each other in a war of attrition that would even make Saddam Hussein beg for caution.   By the way, China is a great example of what will happen to test prep in the United States.  It is already happening. 

Please read “The Coming Crisis In American Higher Education” by Tom Mathew.  Irina, Please place link to Website here.   The vast majority of American colleges will close by 2030.